I have been out of Elementary School for awhile but I assume you still pick a partner when you go on a field trip. I am not sure where this idea originated but I suppose it is harder to misplace two kids as opposed to one.
Field trip buddies can also help keep you safe, and hopefully enhance your overall trip experience, which seems like a good thing in most situations.I have had many, many good companions as I have journeyed through life.
My first field trip buddy was my little sister.
We are less than a year apart in age and we shared a room for many years.
I was always fascinated by the talents she had that I did not possess.
Anyway, we journeyed through our parent's home and very early years together.
She is still willing to be my field trip buddy. And she still has what it takes to be a good one. She is a good listener, she is dependable, and she can be counted on to bring some humor to the situation.
She makes me feel safe and she enhances my experience.
One of my favorite TV shows is Survivor.
It is a genius game.
A very important thing a contestant must do to survive is pick buddies or allies.
Who will preserve their life? Who will get them farther in the game?
I have never seen anyone win the game that did not find a way to surround themselves with the right people.
For the most part, I think I have surrounded myself with the right people.
My best friend, Sally, is a good example. It would be hard to find a more giving and loyal friend.
Currently, one of my favorite things to do is observe my two granddaughters, who are also sisters, be field trip buddies. Even though they are only 3 and 5, they get it.
If one of them thinks you are not treating the other one fairly, they will firmly and directly let you know.
They spend so much time together playing, sleeping, eating, bathing, it is hard to imagine they will ever find new buddies and grow apart. But they will. A little.
However, I don't think time will ever erase their desire to make sure the other one is okay.
I continue to try to learn to be a good field trip buddy. It can be a lifelong lesson for some of us.
I like to think at times, I have helped some of my buddies feel safe. And I hope I have enhanced some of their experiences.
You are never too old to lose your way occasionally.
Assigning field trip buddies is an outstanding way to make sure everyone is okay and no one gets lost.